Apps for Education - Remind

 Apps For Education - Remind

In the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, educating students has been harder than ever. The education industry has embraced online learning as a solution, but things don't seem to go as smoothly as they once were with in-person classes. Teachers find it hard to distribute all the materials and students find it hard to keep up with deadlines as they have to turn in everything online instead of bringing their work into class. Even a simple thing as asking a teacher a question can be difficult for a student because they cannot cannot just pop in after class like they could normally. Communication is key to having a successful learning experience and this is becoming harder as students and teacher are now isolated because of the pandemic. Remind is a great app to solve this problem. 

What is Remind? 

Remind is an app designed to help students and teachers communicate easier and more efficiently. It is completely free for students to download and has many helpful features that both students and teachers can take advantage of. Parents can also download the app and monitor their child's education and studies. 

The Benefits of Remind and Its Features

With Remind, students and teachers can stay connected even after school has ended so students can complete their work efficiently. Teachers can create specific classes and set regular reminders on assignments/deadlines which will send a direct notification to the phones of students so students will stay up to date to turn in assignments on time. Teachers can also post scheduled announcements for the students to read so students will be notified immediately on what they need to know. This can be especially helpful when there any last minute changes that the teacher has made to assignments. The app also has an inbuilt messaging system. Teachers can send students messages in realtime if they need to contact one individual student or a specific group. If the teacher allows, students can also reply back to the messages from the teacher. This can especially be advantageous if the student has a question that needs to be answered. With the app, distributing materials that the students needs is also very easy. The teacher can attach documents and files to posts so students can access the material anytime. The app is compatible with many major applications such as the Google Suite, Microsoft OneDrive, and Quizlet. The app also has education oriented activities students can participate in.  

Teachers can upgrade their free remind plan to a paid one where they can have access to extra features such as voice calling and sending customized messages to individuals.  

Remind is available without using a phone or phone number as well. You can sign up with an email and access remind on your computer through the website.

A link to the Remind App website can be found here 

My experience and thoughts on Remind

I was first introduced to the Remind app by my 8th grade math teacher when she made us download the app on all of our phones. I found it extremely helpful because it made sure that I could stay on time with all my assignments, especially the ones that were due a week after they were assigned because I usually end up forgetting about those. Our teacher also made regular announcements throughout the class so I was informed of everything I need for class. I could access any paperwork she assigned on the app, so just incase I lost my work I could print it out easily. I believe that during this pandemic this app will become incredibly useful. Teachers can easily communicate with students and students can complete the required curriculum even when schools are closed. 

