Google Sites in Education

 The Benefits of Creating Websites

    Most of the time, when students are given the task to research a topic and eventually create a presentation, creating a slide show is the go-to method for structuring research into presentation format. Even though slide show tools like google slides are great resources, website templates are equally effective in sharing information, but are significantly underused. The greatest advantage of creating a website to share information is that unlike a linear slide show presentation, a website is a dynamic and interactive tool that responds to the user's input. While presenting, a student can click on different parts of the website to show the connections between certain topics without having to scroll back multiple slides. A website is a more helpful tool than a slide show for reviewing a large amount of information like a unit or chapter because a good website is highly organized and can display a big picture idea while simultaneously breaking it down into individual ideas. A user can chose to look more closely at specific topics in a website while also avoiding topics that they do not need to review. While a slide show may be a more convenient way to discuss one singular idea, a website is much better at displaying a set of ideas. A website can even have links to slide shows themselves to discuss specific topics, but it is not limited to the basic structure of a slide show.

The Advantages of Google Sites

    Creating a website can be a difficult task. Google Sites is easy to use and has many user friendly tools like premade templates, but it still gives users formatting freedom. In many ways, Google Sites is really Google Slides with different formatting because many of the same tools like dragging text boxes are still there. These familiar tools help new users to quickly adapt and create a website without too much trouble. Creating a website is always going to be more work than creating a slide show, but Google Sites helps simplify the process so that users can jump right into creating. In education, this is a great website tool because students can easily use it instead of spending lots of time learning how to use a complicated tool.
    To actually make a website, go to and create a new site. Google Sites works like any other Google resource and automatically saves and is added to drive. With google sites, there is also the choice of publishing your website, or keeping it private and sharing it with the people who need it and many other preferences that give the user full control over their work. 

    Even though both Google Slides and Google Sites have different advantages, Google Slides is the dominant method of sharing information even though Google Sites has many unique advantages. Google Sites is a great alternative to provide variety in education and should be used more often.
