
Ben Santos 
S.T.A.T A block


Conjuguemos is a website that teaches children how to conjugate words in multiple languages. conjuguemos has latin, spanish, portuguese, french, german, italian, korean as the languages in the website. The teacher can assign the homework to their class like google classroom. The teacher can send worksheets, verb conjugation, also there is multiplayer and single player games ( In addition the website tracks the progress of the user in the homework or other activities.

Conjuguemos is a website were the teachers send activities for homework and to practice the words conjugation or the words. In the website Teacher can see the students grades to see if the completed it and how long did it take. Conjuguemos is also a website that allows students to use their vocab lists and has flash cards for people to study. This program also has games that improve memory of the vocab through repetition. This website helps people to memorized vocab conjugations quicker than other apps or website. 

This website is good for students trying to learn new vocab words in a short amount of time. In this website it helps to teachers to give activities for children for homework. Students can easily study their vocab through this programs games. This is also good for keeping averages in the activities for the students to improve. This can easily help students to know a new languages in a very short time.

Image result for conjuguemos frog png


  1. Ben, This seems like a great App for creating lessons and for studying. Both teachers and students can benefit. I'm impressed with the choices in languages available. It seems useful and a fun way to learn a new language.


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