Amazing New App for Assisting with Science Education: Universe in A Nutshell

 Universe In a Nutshell App

    Universe In A Nutshell is an app that is great for showing the sizes of many things relating to science, ranging from the higgs boson, to the Virgo Supercluster. Along the exploration of different things throughout the universe, you can click on each of the items for a detailed description. Interacting with the app is quite simple and easy. Zoom in to see thing that are smaller, and zoom out to see things that are bigger.
    At first, it isn't too obvious why this may be useful for education, but the value it can provide is actually quite high. The app is so simple, that even a first grader can have fun with it. For elementary education, it is absolutely priceless to be able to build a studen't interest in certain topic, and this is one tool which can hel with that. With the app preview below, you can see just how mesmorizing it is to look at how small things can get, and how absolutely miniscule us humans can be in comparison to the universe. If a child's interest is built in a topic, it is much easier to feed them new information, and have it stay in their mind.
    Despite this app having been made very recently (less than 45 days ago), it has gained quite significant recognition, and hence is sure to be having frequent updates on content. The app is easy to use and has a very simple concept, but the impact that it can leave is quite large. The app costs $2.99 on the app store, but since many students use school Ipads, if schools download the app, those $2.99 can last for years.

App Preview Video: 
