Using UCS Software for Nuclear Labs

The UCS-20 is a piece of lab equipment for use with nuclear spectrometry. While our school owns the hardware, we unfortunately do not have the software necessary to run the equipment. However, with a few extra steps and workarounds, the spectrometer can be used. A full manual of use can be found here if desired.
The first problem is that the software runs only on 32-bit computers. If there is a 32-bit computer handy, this step can be skipped. Otherwise, we will install a virtual machine with a 32-bit version of Windows 10. Visit the VirtualBox download page and select the download for the operating system you are using. Once installed, run the VirtualBox software. Select the "New" button in the top left button of the Window, and leave the default settings for all options listed. Once the Virtual Machine is created, you will need to download an ISO file which contains the operating system you will use.
Visit Microsoft's official download page for Windows 10 here. Select the operating system (the only choice) and the language (English). This will give you a link to download the ISO file, which you should place in a file where you will remember it. Make sure you select the 32-bit version when given a choice. Return to the VirtualBox window and select the Virtual Machine just created. Then select Settings in the top left. Navigate to the storage menu and select the controller with the .vdi file type as seen in the image below.
Click the button on the right of the Hard Disk drop down menu and select Choose Virtual Hard Disk File. Navigate to where you downloaded the ISO file and select it. This will finish preparing the Virtual Machine for use. Close the settings page and run the Virtual Machine you created.
Once the computer is set up, you will install the software for UCS-20. Open a web browser and navigate to the Spectrum Techniques Legacy Software page. Select the download next to UCS20 under PC Legacy Software.
Run the downloaded file to install all the software. Follow the instructions in the installer wizard to finish installation. Navigate to the folder installed and find the drivers folder. Inside will be a program called dpinst32. Run this program to install necessary drivers. Once this is done, plug the UCS-20 into the computer by USB and the software should work!


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