How to Create and Use Google Classroom

How to Use/Setup Google Classroom

  1. Click the “+” button in the upper right hand corner and click “Create Class.” Accept the terms and conditions on the popup window.
  2. Enter a class name, and subject; and a section (if needed). Then click “Create” 
  3. On the stream page, there is a preference bar on the left. There, you can control if deleted items are shown or not by using the switch. You can also control the posting/commenting section by choosing the appropriate one for your class. 
  4. The “upcoming” and “topics” bar on the sides will show the upcoming due dates on assignments, and the topics currently being covered in the class, which can be adjusted through the user input. 
  5. To add students, click the middle tab titled “students” in the top center of the page. From there, there are two ways to have students join the classroom. The teacher can invite students personally, by clicking “Invite students” and entering the emails. Or, the students can join by typing in the corresponding class code in the upper left hand corner. 
  6. To add assignments and work, click the “+” in the bottom right corner of the stream page. There, you can add an announcement, assignment, or question to post. 
    1. For assignments, you can add a title, and instructions. Also there are options to had a due date, and on the document attached, you can pick the settings so the students can have their own copy, or just view it, if it is an instructions sheet. 
    2. For announcements, just type what you would like to inform your class on and click post. Same thing goes for questions.
  7. Under the “about” tab,  extra class materials can be added. These are things like links and videos to websites, as reference. You can title it, and then add images, videos, links, and even items from your google drive. They can be put in as separate ones, or layer multiple under one topic. 
