Explain Everything is used to create audio-based screencasts using the users voice, white-board style drawing and writing, and movable media (pictures, videos, etc.). For example, a geography teacher can place a map on the screen and record their voice explaining migration while drawing multi-colored arrows to point out certain flows. What makes Explain Everything stand out among other similar video-annotation apps, is the fact that Explain Everything can be exported easily in other formats (to Google Drive, YouTube, etc.) to share with everyone. If desired, one can also import an already-made Powerpoint document into Explain Everything to annotate and record voice-over. Although it costs money per download, they offer a bulk discount. It is entirely, without a doubt worth every penny.
Explain Everything is a powerful tool for any subject. Teachers can create their lessons virtually, and post them for students to watch at home. Even better, students can create lessons to share with the class. This level of interactivity and powerful engagement gives the material a greater resonance.
This app can also be used to "flip the classroom", a new style of teaching in which the students learn the lesson at home and spend time in class working on problems. In a past article about Khan Academy, I discussed flipping the classroom in depth. You can find the article here.
For further explanation on Explain Everything's basic use in the classroom see the articles below:
http://schoolipads.com/2014/01/17/apps-in-the-classroom-explain-everything/ (This article includes a diagram that explains key buttons in the app)
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